Six Reasons Why Notary Entrepreneurs Should Take an I-9 Verification Course

As a Notary Entrepreneur, expanding your services beyond traditional notarizations is key to building a sustainable and profitable business. One often overlooked but highly valuable service is I-9 Verification. While many notaries don’t realize the potential in this area, those who get properly trained and certified can tap into a steady and lucrative income stream. … Read more

Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Business

There are several inexpensive ways to market your notary business: Business cards: Have professional-looking business cards made with your contact information and services offered, and hand them out to potential clients or leave them where people can easily find them. Business Pens and Stationery with your company’s information: This is an inexpensive as well as … Read more

Why is Errors & Omission Insurance Important

by Daniel C. Lewis Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance is important because it protects professionals and businesses from potential lawsuits that may arise due to errors or omissions in their work. It is a type of professional liability insurance that covers the cost of legal defense and damages awarded to clients who suffer financial losses … Read more

Featured Indiana Notary – LaKeshia Adkins

by Daniel C. Lewis The featured notary this week is LaKeshia N. Adkins. LaKeshia started her notary business from research did after becoming a Real Estate Agent. LaKeshia is known around the Indianapolis area as one of the most impressive up-and-coming Real Estate Agents. LaKeshia has started her notary business by diversifying her business by … Read more

Driving Tips for Notary Entrepreneurs

About 7 years ago (while going through a mid-life crisis), I decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Growing up in South Carolina a lot of my friends had motorcycles as a family bike. My family didn’t have a lot of resources so we never had one but that never killed my desire to … Read more

Featured Indiana Notary – Laura Jones

The featured notary this week is Laura Jones. Laura is known as one of the most very dynamic, energic, and fearless notary entrepreneurs in Indiana. Laura has made quite the name for herself through her online notary groups and in-person professional notary meet-ups. Here is an interview conducted with Laura recently. Interviewer: Can you tell … Read more

Notary Bonds and Insurance

Every day someone is jumping in, feet first, starting a new notary business.  They have checked out some websites, joined a couple of local and national organizations, and took the time to write out a business plan for their notary business.  One question that should come up at the very beginning of this new venture is…. … Read more

Featured Indiana Notary – Felicia Brown

The featured notary this week is Felicia Brown who runs her newly minted professional Notary Signing Agent business from Indianapolis, Indiana. Even though Felicia just recently got started with her notary business she is off to a very fast start. Here is an interview conducted with Felicia recently. Interviewer: Can you tell us how you … Read more

5 Keys Notary Entrepreneurs Must Have

Having been in business for the past 17 years, I have seen some incredible ups and downs. From the collapse of the mortgage industry in 2008 (on the business side) to a diagnosis of cancer in 2010 (on the personal side) to living through a pandemic that affects both sides, problems are often just around … Read more

Tips for Notaries in Choosing the Best Checking Account

It is essential for professional notaries to choose a bank with excellent checking account features that will keep their business running efficiently as well as effectively. Getting a business checking account is usually one of the first steps for a notary entrepreneur. It gives you easy access to your cash as well as many other … Read more